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Former Peru president Alberto Fujimori granted release from prison

Peru’s former president Alberto Fujimori was released from prison Wednesday on humanitarian grounds, despite a request from a regional human rights court to delay his release. 

85-year-old had been serving a 25-year sentence for human rights abuses.

Alberto Fujimori, a former Peruvian president, is seen attending a trial in Peru in a March 2018 file photo.

Peru’s former president Alberto Fujimori was released from prison Wednesday on humanitarian grounds, despite a request from a regional human rights court to delay his release.

Fujimori, 85, was serving a 25-year sentence in connection with the slayings of 25 Peruvians by death squads in the 1990s.

Peru’s constitutional court ordered his immediate release on Tuesday, but the Inter-American Court of Human Rights asked for a delay to study the ruling.

Fujimori, who governed Peru from 1990 to 2000, was sentenced in 2009 on charges of human rights abuses. He was accused of being the mastermind behind the slayings of the 25 Peruvians while the government fought the Shining Path communist rebels.

The Constitutional Court on Tuesday ruled in favour of a humanitarian pardon granted to Fujimori on Christmas Eve in 2017 by then-president Pablo Kuczynski. The country’s Supreme Court overturned the pardon under pressure from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in 2018 and ordered the former strongman returned to prison to serve out his sentence.

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After the Constitutional Court issued its latest ruling, Inter-American Court of Human Rights president Ricardo Pérez Manrique asked for the delay of Fujimori’s release in a resolution in order to “guarantee the right of access to justice” of the 25 people who were murdered in two massacres.

“We live in an orphanhood because we do not have institutions of any kind capable of defending us,” Gisela Ortiz, sister of one of the victims, told The Associated Press.

“Peru gives the image of a country where the rights of victims are not guaranteed and where human rights issues have no importance,” she added.

‘A worrying setback’

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Turk, said on Wednesday the Constitutional Court’s order to release Fujimori “is a worrying setback,” adding that “any humanitarian release of those responsible for serious human rights violations must be in accordance with international law.”

Fujimori remains a polarizing figure in Peru. His policies improved the country’s economy and pulled it out of a cycle of hyperinflation. But he also used the military to dissolve Congress and rewrite the constitution, as well as crack down on guerrilla violence.

The first of the two massacres he is accused of plotting occurred in 1991 in a poverty-stricken Lima neighbourhood. Hooded soldiers fatally shot 15 residents, including an eight-year-old child, who had gathered at a party.

Then, in 1992, the clandestine military squad kidnapped and killed nine students and a professor from the Enrique Guzmán y Valle university. Forensic experts reported the victims were tortured and shot in the back of the head. Their bodies were burned and hidden in common graves.

The squad operated under the facade of an architecture firm and was financed by Fujimori’s government.

The accusations against Fujimori have led to years of legal wrangling. He resigned just as he was starting a third term and fled the country in disgrace after leaked videotapes showed his spy chief, Vladimiro Montesinos, bribing lawmakers. Fujimori went to Japan, his parents’ homeland, and sent in his resignation by fax.

Five years later, he stunned supporters and enemies alike when he flew to neighbouring Chile, where he was arrested and extradited to Peru.

Fujimori’s goal was to run for Peru’s presidency again in 2006, but he was put on trial instead.

Credit belongs to : www.cbc.ca

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