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Five surefire ways to prevent a cold

How to keep your days sniffle-free

As the summer season starts, the sudden change in weather can upset our immune systems.

With our immune systems going hay wire, leads the door open for the common cold to creep its way in and give us a nasty cough. Here are five surefire ways to keep your days sniffle-free.


Boost yourself with vitamins

Vitamins help by giving an added layer of protection to our immunity system. We’ve often heard about the wonders vitamins C, D, and zinc can do for our immune system. You can intake multivitamins pills recommended by doctors or go the natural route and seek out fruits, vegetables, and meats containing these vitamins.

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Hydrate yourself

Never forget to drink water. By keeping our bodies hydrated throughout the day, we give them the boost they need to keep us safe from illnesses. Drinking water also helps in moistening mucus membranes, making it easier to expel from the body if needed. To ensure you’re drinking enough water throughout the day, it’s handy to keep a refillable container to stock up on water whenever you can.

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Practice social distancing and keep the mask on

If there’s one thing the pandemic taught us, social distancing and wearing a mask are some of the surefire ways to keep your body safe from the elements. Masks help filter out any germs from entering our bodies. Keeping our distance also helps lessen any contact with other potentially sick or disease-carrying people.

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Practice good hand hygiene

Keeping our hands clean is always our first line of defense against any type of disease. If you come into contact with other folks or touch surfaces in public spaces, don’t forget to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water or use alcohol to ward off any unwanted germs from coming into contact with your body.

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Find time to relax

Our body’s immune system needs aproper amount of rest to ensure it can run well. Make sure to get the recommended hours of sleep so that your body can repair itself as you rest. Stress can also weaken our immune system, find ways to relax and wind down after a long day. — Poch Eulalia

Credit belongs to: www.mb.com.ph

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