Home / Entertainment / How devoted mom Sunshine Cruz maintains her radiant beauty

How devoted mom Sunshine Cruz maintains her radiant beauty

Sunshine Cruz continues to captivate hearts not only with her timeless beauty but also with her unwavering dedication to her family. As a seasoned actress and a hands-on mother to her three daughters Angelina, Sam and Cheska, Cruz is able to effortlessly balance her career and mommy duties while maintaining her radiant glow.

In her recent launch as the newest endorser of Thiocell Glutathione Lonzenges, she shared insights into her beauty routine and attributed her youthful appearance to her consistent use of the brand.

“I’ve been using it for three months already and it’s very effective. It’s not a secret anymore,” Cruz shared.

“As an actress, I really have to take care of our skin. Because when we’re shooting, it’s unavoidable to be exposed to the sun or heat, even indoors, it really affects our skin. I’m in my 40s so I really have to take care of my skin and this is one thing that really helps to maintain the glow, to prevent age spots, melasma, and freckles,” she added.

According to Cruz, while there are proliferation of whitening and anti-aging products ranging from soap, lotions, and creams to drinks and supplements, she finds the brand to be the most efficient and effective glutathione for her.

The ever-ageless beauty Sunshine Cruz INSTAGRAM PHOTO/SUNSHINECRUZ718The ever-ageless beauty Sunshine Cruz INSTAGRAM PHOTO/SUNSHINECRUZ718 

“It’s unique lozenge form allows it to be absorbed faster resulting in whiter, smoother and younger-looking skin,” Cruz enthused.

“Before, I had a lot of skin issues on my face and my skin became dull especially due to lack of sleep and exposure to the sun. With Thiocell, my skin really glows,” she continued.

Apart from glutathione, Cruz’s daily routine includes ample rest, hydration and a positive mindset which shows her commitment to holistic wellness.

“I sleep a lot, I drink lots of water, I just love to sleep, and of course, I try to live a positive life. I avoid negativity especially now that I’m turning 47 in July. Sometimes, when I experience anxiety, I stay with and talk to my kids. When I talk to them, they’re so lively and joyful, and we love dogs, so it’s therapeutic for us. And I also work out, especially when Bench offered me to walk during Fashion Week. Of course, Ina Raymundo, Michelle Dee, and other Bench models are so sexy, so I really prepared for that as well,” shared Cruz.

“I work out three to four times a week, and now I’ve hired a personal trainer because I want to be like Sunshine 2.0, I want to have muscles, not just toned, not just firm, but I want a little bit of muscle as well,” she added.

With her last project “Unbreak My Heart,” concluding late last year, Cruz shared she is taking a break from acting in the meantime especially since she has been working onscreen every year since 2013. For now, her priority remains her daughters’ well-being.

“My kids are also very busy with their studies and they need guidance, they’re already grown up. So I want to focus more on the kids first, then endorsements. It’s really a personal choice for me,” she explained.

When asked about her advice to her daughters, Cruz emphasized the importance of education and responsibility.

“Studies first because Angelina is in her last year of college, a Dean’s Lister and first honor, and as for Sam, she’s in her first year of college also as a Dean’s Lister. Then there’s Cheska, who finished Senior High, her first choice for school is Ateneo, and she got in. So I have one Atenean and two La Sallians. As I’ve always said, as long as mommy and dad can provide — we’re co-parenting — they should just focus on their studies. When they finish their studies well, job opportunities will come to them,” Cruz said.

In return, she said her daughters also give her some advices that she use as sources of inspiration and support.

“Maybe they know about my struggles, since I raised them on my own after the separation. So, they always tell me, ‘We just want you to be happy. Whatever you do mom, you deserve to be happy,'” she shared.

Blessed with a thriving career and unwavering support from her daughters, Cruz indeed radiates happiness and glow.

“My life is very happy. I’m happy and contented, I have endorsements, God is good. It’s very rare at my age of 46 to still be trusted by brands. So that alone, I am very blessed, and of course, I have three beautiful and intelligent kids so I couldn’t ask for more. Whatever comes to me and whatever doesn’t, I am still blessed, that’s why I am always grateful,” Cruz ended.

Credit belongs to : www.manilatimes.net

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