ICC’s decision to seek warrants for both Israeli and Hamas leaders is ‘troubling,’ Trudeau says

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says it’s “troubling” that arrest warrants are being simultaneously sought for Israeli and Hamas leaders at the International Criminal Court. Foreign affairs minister says Canada respects the independence of the International Criminal Court. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says it’s “troubling” that arrest warrants are simultaneously being …

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Federal government highlights range of anti-auto theft measures

Federal ministers on Monday unveiled what they called a ‘national action plan’ on combatting auto theft, including a range of measures such as bolstering law enforcement and tightening legal penalties around the issue. Several measures are included in budget legislation currently being considered. Federal ministers on Monday highlighted a series …

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Tornadoes hit Iowa causing multiple deaths

Multiple people died Tuesday and at least a dozen were injured when a powerful tornado tore through a small Iowa town, carving a bleak landscape of destroyed homes and businesses, shredded trees, smashed cars, and widely strewn debris.  Twister in the small town of Greenfield destroyed homes, shredded trees and …

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London Drugs confirms it was victim of ransomware attack

Retailer London Drugs has confirmed Tuesday that cybercriminals have demanded a ransom for data that was taken in a cyberattack that took its stores offline for a week.  Retailer says it’s unwilling to pay ransom after cybercriminals stole files from its corporate head office. Retailer London Drugs confirmed on Tuesday …

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