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How to live a sustainable life

Saving the environment starts in our homes

Caring for the environment has become a priority in recent years, ushering in a new wave of conscious buyers in the market. More people have begun to factor in the sustainability efforts of companies before making their purchases. And with good cause, after all, we only have one planet to live in. Here’s how you can join the sustainable lifestyle.


Reduce, reuse, recycle.

These three steps have served as the go-to for living a sustainable life since time immemorial. And it’s probably because it’s so simple and easy to remember. To reduce, remember to follow the Swedish mantra, lagom, meaning not too much, not too little. Before discarding an item, ask yourself if you can use it again in any way or if it can be donated. Finally, recycling can easily be followed by segregating your trash to ensure proper disposal of paper, plastic, glass, and other recyclables.


Save up on energy.

Following an energy-efficient lifestyle not only saves the environment but saves you a lot of money too due to lowered power bills! This can be followed by simply unplugging electronic devices when not in use and shifting toward energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs. LED bulbs are your best option for energy efficiency as it has a long lifespan and uses less energy than incandescent light bulbs.


Channel your green thumb.

Why bother with store-bought herbs and vegetables with excess packaging if you can plant your own? Start simple by planting seeds of plants that are easy to take care of and cultivate. Herbs that are beginner-friendly include basil, rosemary, thyme, and sage. Plus it adds some character to your home when you have green friends sitting in neatly placed pots in the kitchen.


Consider a plant-based diet.

Consumption of meat has been linked to the emission of greenhouse gases due to its production process. If you’re hoping to cut back on meat but still crave it, consider trying its plant-based alternatives. You’d be surprised at how most times it can taste just like real meat, if not better! Not only is this healthier for you, but it also supports a more sustainable food system.

TAKING US TO THE ECO-FRIENDLY FUTURE From left: Ikea Philippines food manager Alejandro
Aguirre Jr., commercial activity leader and online sales leader Gerard Perlas, country HRmanager Weng Manalaysay, business navigation and operations manager Angelique Lat, logistics manager Jarek Leśniewski, Iza Calzado, and Pasay City branch manager Daniel Rivero 

Support eco-friendly businesses.

Always be conscious of your purchasing decisions. Support sustainable businesses and invest in products that are sure to have a longer lifespan. For a brand that follows both, there’s always Ikea!

In the last year, Ikea sold over a million sustainable home furnishing items in the country, ranging from energy-saving bulbs to furniture made from sustainably sourced materials. To date, up to 73 percent of their home furnishing products are made from either renewable or recyclable materials. Even down to its restaurant, its menu has goals of following a sustainable practice by aiming to have 50 percent of its main meals plant-based by 2025.

Their plant-based take on the iconic meatballs, the Huvudroll plant ball, has become a popular mainstay on their menu. Ikea has also worked on ensuring its delivery process stays green, partnering with the electric vehicle company Mober to send out its deliveries. As Ikea Pasay City’s branch manager Daniel Rivero puts it, “We want to be the mirror of society.” Here’s to hoping other businesses will follow suit and promote the sustainable lifestyle. — Poch Eulalia

Credit belongs to: www.mb.com.ph

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