Home / Lifestyle / Feng Shui tips for a fortune-filled 2024

Feng Shui tips for a fortune-filled 2024

The Fortune Cat (Image by Carla Burke from Pixabay) 

As we stand on the cusp of 2024, can you feel that sense of fresh beginnings in the air? I recently had a heartwarming chat on our show with the Feng Shui Master, Hanz Cua. His energetic guidance on how to infuse our lives and homes with positive vibes for the upcoming year truly resonated with me, and I’m eager to share these nuggets of wisdom with you!

According to the master himself, here are some of what we can do at home, with family, and for ourselves to nudge favor our way for 2024.

At home

Picture your home as a canvas of positivity. Master Hanz encourages us to keep our spaces well-lit, not just for brightness but to welcome good energy into every nook and cranny. So, if there’s a dim corner that needs attention, let’s give it some love!

Look out for faulty light sources and make sure rooms are all well-lit as your household greets the new year. (Image by sergei akulich from Pixabay) 

Now, let’s talk about kitchen magic! The heart of our homes deserves some Feng Shui love too. A tidy kitchen isn’t just pleasing to the eye.  It’s believed to stir up some wonderful vibes for the entire family. So, let’s keep those countertops sparkling, and even our cookware clean.

Oh, and speaking of cozy comforts, when was the last time you treated yourself to fresh bed linens? There’s nothing quite like slipping into a bed that feels like a cloud, especially as we dream our way into the new year.

And while we’re at it, be on the lookout for leaky faucets—don’t let these eventually wash away good fortune!

Don’t let leaky faucets drain away your fortune! (Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay) 

New Year celebrations are already ingrained in Filipino tradition.  But it’s still worth remembering to have 12 kinds of different fruits in your Media Noche spread.  Did you know that these don’t have to be round-shaped? Master Hanz pointed out that it can be any shape, as long as you have 12 different kinds, for good fortune throughout every month in the next year. Here’s an additional tip: include a kiat-kiat (clementine or mandarin orange) in your selection—read on to find out why!

The kiat-kiat serves two purposes on New Year’s Eve in making your fortune sweeter. (Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay) 

One more important tip for preparing your home for 2024: the activity of general cleaning is highly favored for good feng shui!   Declutter, clean up, and get ready for a prosperous new year!

With family

Family, as we know, is where the heart is. During our conversation, it warmed my heart to hear Master Hanz’s insights on family traditions resounded with mine. To start, doing activities together is highly encouraged.

Christmas and New Year’s eve dinners are our family’s age-old tradition. 

This includes  praying together.  If we do it with both gratitude and hope in our hearts, it becomes a beautiful way to wrap up the year and step into the new one with hope and togetherness. And let’s not forget the joy of reconciling and letting go of any lingering misunderstandings. After all, forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves as much as others.

Now, onto the delicious part – our Media Noche feast! The best dishes to include, according to Hanz, are those with symbolisms we want to embrace – from pancit’s and noodle’s longevity, to the prosperity of tikoy, each dish carries its own tale of tradition and hope.

Different dishes carry distinct symbolisms—which ones are you ready to embrace in 2024? 

And as the clock’s hands draw close to midnight, let’s sprinkle our doorsteps with coins and kiat-kiats. It’s like sending out a heartfelt invitation to prosperity and joy!

On ourselves

As we wrap up, let’s all try to greet 2024 with thankful hearts and spirits ready to embrace good fortune. Because while Feng Shui offers us gentle nudges towards harmony and abundance, it’s our spirit, love, and actions that truly shape our destiny. At the same, there’s nothing to lose with inviting luck our way through fulfilling activities. Let’s root for a bright and lucky year!

I’m bubbling with excitement for the adventures that await in 2024. Together, with our shared stories, lessons, and dreams, let’s make it a year to remember. Here’s to love, laughter, and a touch of Feng Shui magic!

Watch the interview below!

You can follow my social media accounts: InstagramFacebookYouTubeTiktokTwitter and Kumu. Please share your stories or suggest topics at editorial@jingcastaneda.ph. Watch Pamilya Talk on FacebookYouTube and Kumu (@JingCastaneda – 12:00 noon, Monday) and on Jeepney TV every Saturday at 5 p.m. — Jing Castañeda

Credit belongs to: www.mb.com.ph

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